Our yoga practice is offering a unique and holistic approach to wellness and self-discovery.
Mental Clarity and Focus
The mindful nature of yoga encourages concentration, focus, and mental clarity. By synchronizing movement with breath or engaging in precise yoga techniques, you can experience a sense of present-moment awareness and improved cognitive function.
Improved Body Awareness
Yoga practice cultivate a heightened sense of body awareness, helping you become more attuned to your physical sensations, posture, and alignment. This increased awareness can carry over to daily activities, promoting better flexibility, posture and blood circulation.
Stress Relief and Relaxation
Engaging in yoga can provide a sense of calm
and relaxation. The combination of deep
breathing, mindful movement, and stretching promotes stress reduction, aids in releasing
tension, and encourages a more positive
What constitutes our practice?
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic style of yoga that synchronises breath with a progressive series of postures. Each movement flows seamlessly into the next, creating a meditative and challenging practice that builds strength, flexibility, and endurance.
Yin Yoga is a slow-paced and introspective style of yoga that targets the deep connective tissues of the body, such as ligaments, tendons, and fascia. This practice focuses on stretching and flexibility.
Breathwork: In breathwork, we delve into the profound wisdom of breathing, guiding individuals through techniques that facilitate a release of emotional blockages, and expansion of consciousness. Through breathwork sessions, participants discover a pathway to inner peace, clarity, and profound self-discovery.